
Research & Strategy


To develop the consumer personas for Orbitz.com I partnered with the head of our market research group to understand their demographic research and distilled their 6-8 customer segments into our two consumer personas. Note, the third persona is actual an anti-persona, that is someone who will never be your customer, or is not a profitable customer. In practice, on projects, the anti-persona often proved to be the most useful, as it's an effective tool for ruling out edge cases that come up often in product discussion. Most of the time those edge cases were only servicing our anti-persona.

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Competitive Research

When you are part of a larger consumer business, it's not uncommon to have work partners and even leaders who are so passionate about the business they feel they have internalized the problems of the customer and know everything the competition is up to. The constant debate at the time was around our hotel search result "cards". The larger team was certain we offered the most comprehensive set of information and nothing could be eliminated to create a more lightweight and easier to understand card. I produced this competitive chart to illustrate just how much of an outlier we really were. This allowed us to have a conversation around what our most minimalist card could be and let to testing three different versions: a minimal card, a photographic card, and a "kitchen sink" card which retained the bulk of the information.

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Strategy Deck - Applications of 3D for Travel

Senior leadership had recently become enamored with 3D input devices. Exploration of 3D input led to dead ends; niche technology outside of gaming. I opened the question up to ask "How can 3D enrich travel experience?". Relying on secondary research I identified three upcoming trends: 1. Apple & Google both buying up and developing 3D flyover technology 2. 3rd Party sites creating simulated views from property and 3. Google and other smaller startups focusing on mapping the interiors of public & retail spaces. From there I developed concepts that would complement our hotel business, as outlined in this deck.

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